there known since prehistoric times of about 1500 years before Christ. Indonesian society held belief in pagan worship of ancestral spirits called or Dahyang Hyang, manifested in the form of the statue or image. A story told in the wayang performance usually comes from the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.
Wayang show in every country has its own technique and style, this puppet is made in Indonesia Indonesian people who have a genuine story, style and extraordinary puppeteer. Sometimes repertoire Panji stories and Menak stories or Islamic stories performed well.
Wayang, by the predecessors of this country really means very deep. Sunan Kali Jaga and Raden Patah was instrumental in developing the Puppet. The Guardian in the land of Java is arranged into three parts. First Wayang Kulit in East Java, the Wayang Wong or Wayang Orang in Central Java, and the three Wayang Golek in West Java. Very connected each one another.
it might be in instrument that use spread of Islamic religion but it also have entertainment factor